Sunday, December 12, 2010

Roughneck Boilermaker Chili--South Dakota

This week's chili was nothing to crow about. It earned a 3.0 because there wasn't anything in particular bad about it, just not something we would bother to make again. We went cheap on the beer with Yuengling Porter made in Pottsville, PA. Wasn't too bad.

More important was the discussion about what our new project might be. I happened to print out the top 10 cookbooks from 2010 list from an email -- it might have been Amazon. This is a dangerous thing to do for someone who is a cookbook junkie. One of our ideas on our list was Thai food. We went to Border's to check out "Thai Street Food" from the list and, with my 40% off coupon, bought it as Mike's Christmas present to me. It is a beautiful cookbook with gorgeous photos. The only difficulty will be finding ingredients. We'll have to do some research.

Hopefully, we will hit upon another good chili recipe with the remaining eight. Texas has got to be good, right?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Low-Country Chicken Chili -- South Carolina

I apologize to all one of my followers for the delay in last week's chili entry, but I was visiting you. :)

South Carolina's chili doesn't warrant the addition of the recipe so, instead, I would like to introduce you to one of my cats. Boots is a real scrapper and I hate to admit this but she jumps up on the table at meal time to see if someone might give her a taste. Bootsie's sister Dora apparently wasn't interested in chili so no picture of her tonight.

Low-country Chicken Chili gave us our first taste of grits and it did add a creamy thickness to this chili; however, it was otherwise pretty much dull. A review of our comments: "grits good," "carrots bad," "chicken good," "no spicy flavor," "too much grits," "blah." Even our comments are boring! Final score: 3.06.

We realized that we only have eight more chili recipes to make and our project will be complete (after the party of course). The topic of discussion therefore was what to do next. A lot of ideas were bounced around but I won't spill the beans until it is decided.

By the way, South Carolina was washed down with Saranac nut brown lager brewed in Utica, New York.