Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fried Bologna Chili -- West Virginia

The title alone should be enough. The only thing that prevented this chili from being a total "0" was that I bought Steve Raichlen's barbeque sauce over the holidays and, even though you know I'm anti-barbeque sauce, this wasn't too bad. The overwhelming flavor was the barbeque sauce. I probably should have saved it for another chili. You really didn't taste the bologna. Thinking about it being in there though, kind of gags me.

One more week to go. Wisconsin is last. We will then begin planning our party. From the time between the final chili and the party we are going to try other chili recipes from different sources, one of which I found on my high school best friend's sister's website: She writes about black bean chili on her January 28, 2011 posting. Her blog is fantastic. Be sure to check it out.

We anticipated that West Virginia's chili would be a bust so we didn't even bother with beer. I'm optimistic about Wisconsin. I'm going to try to find Prima Pils beer to accompany it recommended by another high school friend. Can you tell I have just discovered the wonders of Facebook?

Until then.

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